Too Little Too Late

On November 4, 2020 I participated to Too Little Too Late, an online event organised by Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA) and hosted at Blue City in Rotterdam. At this live broadcast, young designers like myself share their thoughts on global warming. All invited speakers—Veerle van Herk, Leon Spekken, Tim van Hooft, Nicky Vollebregt, Vivian Huizenga and myself—provide their own unique perspective on the matter, based on their graduation work. 

The live broadcast was recorded and can be watched online:

Short introductory videos were commissioned by WdKA craftfully created by Studio Nul. This video sketches a good picture of the Designing Differently project:

This event was part of the online Climate Weeks Amsterdam and Rotterdam and the Climate Festival Groenlicht, organised by Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

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